The Moat for AI
Originally posted here. These are my personal opinions. If you want to add to the discussion, we welcome PRs to this website here.
First of all, these are my opinions and there are people at AI Village who may disagree with me. I want to present the simplest version of managing risk of a ML model as I believe the conversation quickly gets distracted by technical details or social implications that are more exciting to think about. I want to focus on the simplest version of the problem where you do not worry about particular vulnerabilities in the machine learning algorithm. I also want to postpone the social & ethical issues until after the basic model has been established. In physics terms I want to talk about a spherical cow, but I believe in ML Security’s case this cow exists and is ignored by the authors of NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework and the EU AI Act.
One of the first lessons people learn about ML systems is that they are fallible. All of them are sold, whether implicitly or explicitly, with an efficacy measure. No ML classifier is 100% accurate, no LLM is guaranteed to not generate problematic text, and missing some spam is OK for a spam model. Even safety critical systems, like self driving cars, allow for this. Vendors and customers understand this. Though, dubious marketing often tries to muddy this: The ML is allowed and expected to make mistakes.
The ML’s efficacy guarantees need to be measurable and externally auditable, which is where things get tricky. Companies do not want to tell you when there’s a problem, or enable a customer to audit them. They would prefer ML to be “black magic”. Each mistake can be called a one off error blamed on the error rate the ML is allowed to have, if there’s no way for the public to verify the efficacy of the ML. In the case of a business to business vendor-customer relationship the customer should have tools to audit this. This already kind-of happens in some industries, a SIEM gives enterprise anti-virus customers some idea of the malware model’s efficacy. If the ML model is being used in a product sold to the public, like a image filter, then it needs to be externally auditable. There’s no mechanism for this right now.
Finally, the models will break. At some point the deployed model’s efficacy will drop to an unacceptable point and it will be an old stale model. The underlying data will drift, and they will eventually not generalize to new situations. Even massive foundational models, like image classification and large language models will go stale. Someone is going to eventually design a car that an image model misclassifies, though this may take many years to do. Most other models go stale faster. To combat this financial, spam, malware, moderation, recommendation, and many others have a retraining cycle measured in months to days to hours. If they fail prematurely, the company has to release a new model as fast as possible. A financial model that starts trading at a loss needs to be replaced immediately. A malware model that misses a prominent new strain of ransomware also needs to be repaired quickly.
The contract between the vendor and customer/stakeholders should explicitly lay out:
Unlike a lot of spherical cows in physics, this one has a close analog in security. Malware models are embedded in anti-virus or Enterprise Detection and Response (EDR) systems and those systems come with these guarantees. They provide guarantees on the false positive rate, too many false alert causes alert fatigue, and on the false negative rate as misses cost their customers time and money. Companies track the performance in the product, but they are also regularly externally tested by several organizations, most prominently by MITRE. They all have response time guarantees for critical issues. Patches for a problem that the product misses come in several flavors targeting different layers of the security onion. Dmitrijs Trizna has an excelent write up about these layers here.
There’s a strong incentive to not make these guarantees as maintaining them is expensive. When the machine learning teams are internal facing and answerable to other parts of the same organization, like Gmail’s spam team, these are often stringently maintained. External facing models, like business to business and business to consumer, often do not come with these recommendations. The larger the disparity between the model provider, who sees all the data, and the model consumers, who each see only part of the data, the worse these get. Internally facing teams are at one end of the power dynamic where their entire role is to maintain those guarantees and are closely watched by upper management. The other end is the business to consumer models where each person only sees their tiny fraction of the data. The purpose of the team is usually to make money, and they make model choices designed to extract money out of consumers while lowering costs.
The efficacy guarantee might be impossible to accurately measure. The exact false positive and false negative rate for a spam detector over the last hour or day is extremely hard to measure. There are proxies, the number of spam reports is a very good one, but they are not ideal. The number of reports is delayed and the accuracy varies with user bases’s moods and the impact of the spam. Also, only one population or client may be dealing with a spike in spam. If the rest of the user base isn’t seeing that spam the total reports number might look good.
These guarantees may only work for large populations, and may not be accurate for subpopulations. This requires that the efficacy guarantee has some subpopulation breakdown that ensures that the AI system actually works for the customer. This can be a socioeconomic breakdown, based on age, sex, gender, or race, like what Joy Buolamwini suggests here but it can also be a market breakdown. Catching 99.995% of all malware is great, but if you’re only accurate to 99.0% for the subpopulation of ransomware your product might be useless to customers. Additionally, each customer suffers from their own sampling bias so solving this can be extremely difficult.
If a model isn’t performing well the only ways to fix it is to retrain or finetune the model. This can be impossible if there isn’t enough data to fix the problem. If just one over-represented sample out of millions is causing the efficacy guarantees to break, then retraining with that sample might not fix the model. There might be other solutions in the ML system that can re-enable the guarantee, like manually overriding the ML for that sample. Microsoft’s Codex suggested C code that included obvious memory vulnerabilities. This is because a lot of old open source C code includes these. At the time RLHF didn’t exist, so the only solution apparent to the engineers was to either remove the vulnerable code in the dataset or augment the dataset by somehow repairing the vulnerable code. Neither were viable, so the maintainers ignored it, and ignored the security researchers contacting them for months. Now we have a mechanism for addressing this particular issue in generative models, but similar issues have arisen in other contexts.
The three recommendations above does not address privacy issues, or model theft. This has happened, and is hard to defend against. These types of attacks require extracting information usually through an extremely high volume of queries. If the responses from the system include more information than is needed, the number of queries can be drastically reduced. The proofpudding attack relied on Proofpoint responding with more info than they needed to. The best practices to combat this inherent flaw in ML systems is to have an API limit, and minimize the information in the response. This is contrary to the movement to make ML more explainable, as responses with explainability techniques can be used to steal models faster. As with everything there are trade offs.
A lot of AI security research is focused on threat models that aren’t realistic. Adversarial examples are great, but they may not show up in the real world all that often. Though, adversarial patches, examples, and other attacks against the fundamental ML are extremely interesting from a theoretical perspective. It’s better to focus on the model manipulations the attackers actually use.
The EMBER paper consolidated much of the literature on malware detection models. The subsequent followup contests and new samples from the field showed that people used the information from this paper to try new attacks. Adding benign & useless imports to the import table, and packing the binary became more common since this application. Adversarially crafted malware sample using some academic research probably exist, but is so much harder than the simple manual techniques that it’s rare.
While there are real world constraints preventing this from applying perfectly, this is still a valuable framework for addressing ML risks. Optimizing for the greatest efficacy that your customers care about, and creating ways of measuring it (even if they’re just approximations) forces you to ignore the shiny exciting things that may not affect the customer. The final point incentivizes finding issues quickly, preferably before they impact your customer, and starting a remediation process that is as fast as possible.
Originally posted here. These are my personal opinions. If you want to add to the discussion, we welcome PRs to this website here.
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