
2024 Events

  • CactusCon February 16-17
  • CypherCon April 4-5
  • BSides Puerto Rico April 12-13
  • BSidesCharm April 20-21
  • BSides SF May 4-5
  • RSA Sandbox May 6-9
  • DEF CON 32 August 8-12

For a discount RSAC pass use the code below RSA

2024 Volunteer Opportunities

Papers and talks 2024

The AI Village is soliciting short (20 minute) and long (45 minute) presentations, as well as workshops, tutorials, and demonstrations, on the uses and abuses of AI. Submit your presentation, paper, or talk using our CRP

Volunteer Demo Submissions 2024

The AIVillage is seeking 8 volunteer project demos for this years DEF CON!

  • Submit before April 25th you could present at RSA.
  • The top 8 demos will be invited to present them at the AI day Hackers on the Hill.
  • Submissions should be made before June 1st 2024 to be considered in time for DEF CON 32 (August 8-12)

To learn more and submit your demo: Complete this google form

General Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer to help setup or manage events: Submit a general volunteer application here

Past Events

AI Village @ DEF CON 30, Safe Mode

Friday, August 11, 2022 9:00 AM PST to Sunday, August 14, 2022 4:00 PM PST

ML Evasion

The ML Evasion competition is back! Hyrum Anderson, Eugene Neelou, and Zoltan Balazs are running the Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition again this year. The competition starts August 12, but you should register for it earlier on the 25th. This is one of the premier ML security contests and has has inspired excellent research. See the announcement here for more details, and register here.

AI Art

We will have a booth for generative art, come make your own DALL-E style art. We’re devoting Saturday afternoon to art! If you want to show your art, please get in touch on the discord!

hack-the-planet nintendo

Day Start Time Length (Minutes) Primary Speaker Talk Title
Friday 9:00 AM 30 AI Village Organizers Opening Remarks on the State of AI & Security
Friday 9:30 AM 90 Gavin Klondike Automate Detection with Machine Learning
Friday 11:00 AM 60 Harini Kannan I’m not Keylogging you! Just some benign data collection for User Behavior Modeling
Friday 12:00 PM 60 Keith E. Sonderling Keynote
Friday 1:30 PM 30 Hyrum Anderson ML Security Evasion Competition Launch
Friday 2:00 PM 60 Nick Doiron The Chaos of Coding with Language Models
Friday 3:00 PM 60 Gal Sadeh LATMA - Lateral movement analyzer
Friday 4:00 PM 60 Rachel See, et al Panel: AI and Hiring Tech
Saturday 10:00 AM 60 Sudipto Rakshit A few useful things to know about AI Red Teams
Saturday 11:00 PM 60 Dr. Amanda Minnich Hands-on Hacking of Reinforcement Learning Systems
Saturday 12:00 PM 60 Salma Taoufiq and Ben Gelman A System for Alert Prioritization
Saturday 1:00 PM 60 Justin Hutchens CatPhish Automation - The Emerging Use of Artificial Intelligence in Social Engineering
Saturday 2:00 PM 60 Omar Santos, et. al. Panel: The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations
Saturday 3:00 PM 60 Dmitrijs Trizna Malware Classification With Machine Learning Enhanced by Windows Kernel Emulations
Saturday 4:00 PM 60 dadabots AI Music Tutorial and Show
Sunday 9:00 AM 90 Gavin Klondike Automate Detection with Machine Learning
Sunday 10:30 AM 60 Yuvaraj Govindarajulu Attacks on Tiny Intelligence
Sunday 11:30 AM 60 Taylor Kulp-Mcdowall AI Trojan Attacks, Defenses, and the TrojAI Competition
Sunday 12:30 AM 60 CTF Authors CTF Results and Q&A
Sunday 2:00 PM 60 AI Village Organizers Wrap Up

AI Village @ DEF CON 29, Safe Mode

Friday, August 6, 2021 9:00 AM PST to Sunday, August 8, 2021 4:00 PM PST

Day Start Time Length (Minutes) Primary Speaker Talk Title
Friday 9:00 AM 30 AI Village Organizers Welcome. A Short Tour of Good and Bad AI in 2021
Friday 9:30 AM 90 Gavin Klondike Intro to ML Workshop
Friday 11:00 AM 60 Bruce Schneier The Coming AI Hackers
Friday 12:00 PM 30 Rumman Chowdhury Algorithmic Ethics Bug Bounty Contest Announcement
Friday 12:30 PM 30 Hyrum Anderson Microsoft ML Security Evasion Competition Details
Friday 1:00 PM 30 Dmitrijs Trizna Shell Language Processing (SLP)
Friday 1:30 PM 60 Sagar Samtani Trailblazing the AI for Cybersecurity Discipline: Overview of the Field and Promising Future Directions
Friday 2:30 PM 30 Sagar Samtani AI Policy Talk: "An AI Playbook" and "An AI Security ISAC"
Friday 3:00 PM 30 Tal Leibovich and Elad Ciuraru Identifying Excel 4.0 Macro strains using Anomaly Detection
Friday 3:30 PM 60 Will Pearce Workshop on Counterfit
Friday 4:30 PM 30 Everyone AI Discord Happy Hour - Open Discussion on AIV Discord about the State of AI Security
Saturday 9:00 AM 30 AI Village Organizers Welcome to AI Village
Saturday 9:30 AM 90 Gavin Klondike Intro to ML Workshop
Saturday 11:00 AM 60 Bruce Schneier The Coming AI Hackers
Saturday 12:00 PM 30 Suha Sabi Hussain Never a dill moment: Exploiting machine learning pickle files
Saturday 12:30 PM 30 Stella Biderman Replication as a Security Threat: How to Save Millions By Recreating Someone Else’s Model
Saturday 1:00 PM 30 Erick Galinkin Who's Afraid of Thomas Bayes?
Saturday 1:30 PM 30 Barton Rhodes Risks of ML Systems in Health Care: The Real Story
Saturday 2:00 PM 60 Eugene Neelou The Real History of Adversarial Machine Learning
Saturday 3:00 PM 60 Anita Nikolich & Rich Harang RTV/AIV Red Teaming AI Roundtable
Saturday 4:00 PM 30 Stefano Meschiari and Rebecca Lynch Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Labels: Anomaly Detection for 2FA
Saturday 4:30 PM 30 Everyone AI Discord Happy Hour - Open Discussion on AIV Discord about the State of AI Security
Sunday 9:00 AM 30 Abhishek Gupta Stasis in AI Ethics
Sunday 9:30 AM 90 Gavin Klondike Intro to ML Workshop
Sunday 11:00 AM 30 Brian Martin Potential Pitfalls Protecting Patient Privacy
Sunday 11:30 AM 30 Shubham Jain Robustness of client-side scanning for illegal content detection on E2EE platforms
Sunday 12:00 AM 60 Rumman Chowdhury Twitter Ethics Bug Bounty: Winners and Wrap-up
Sunday 1:00 PM 60 AI Village Organizers Wrap Up

AI Village @ DEF CON 28, Safe Mode

Fri, Aug 7, 2020 9:00 AM PST to Sun, Aug 9, 2020 4:00 PM PST

Day Start Time Length (Minutes) Primary Speaker Talk Title
Friday 9:30 AM 30 AI Village Organizers Opening Remark
Friday 10:00 AM 30 @zh4ck , @drhyrum ML Security Evasion Competition 2020
Friday 10:30 AM 30 @erickgalinkin Baby’s First 100 MLSec Words
Friday 11:00 AM 90 TBD TBD Workshop 1
Friday 1:00 PM 30 @comathematician Hyperlocal Drift detection with Goko: Finding abusers of your Dataset
Friday 1:30 PM 30 Nahid Farhady Spectrum: An End-to-End Framework for ML-based Threat Monitoring and Detection
Friday 2:00 PM 50 @GTKlondike Hacking with Skynet - How AI is Empowering Adversaries
Friday 3:00 PM 60 N/A Breakout Session
Friday 4:00 PM 90 TBD Workshop 2
Saturday 9:30 AM 30 Nahid Farhady “SECRETS ARE LIES, SHARING IS CARING, PRIVACY IS THEFT.”- A Dive into Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
Saturday 10:00 AM 30 @lmeyerov Misinformation & Covid
Saturday 11:00 AM 90 TBD Workshop 3
Saturday 1:00 PM 60 AI Village Journal Club Journal Club Live! Fawkes Facial Recognition
Saturday 2:00 PM 60 TBD Does AI Live up to the Hype?
Saturday 3:00 PM 60 Everyone Breakout Session
Saturday 4:00 PM 90 TBD Workshop 4
Sunday 9:00 AM 30 Younghoo Lee and Joshua Saxe Detecting hand-crafted social engineering emails with a bleeding-edge neural language model
Sunday 10:00 AM 60 TBD Journal Club Live! Summoning Demons: The Pursuit of Exploitable Bugs in Machine Learning
Sunday 1:00 PM 60 Vahid Behzadan Faults in our Pi Stars: Security Issues and Challenges in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Sunday 2:00 PM 60 TBD Ethics & Bias Panel
Sunday 3:30 PM 30 TBd Closing Remarks

AI Village @ DEF CON 27

August 1, 2019

Day Start Time Length (Minutes) Primary Speaker Talk Title
Friday 10:00 AM 15 AI Village Organizers Opening Remarks
Friday 10:15 AM 30 TBA Misinformation Keynote
Friday 10:45 AM 30 Siwei Lyu Seeing is deceiving: The rise of AI-synthesized fake media
Friday 11:15 AM 45 Lauren Putvin Exploratory Data Analysis: Why and How (in Python)
Friday 12:00 PM 45 Jon Hawes A 'buyers guide' to the market promise of automagic AI-enabled detection and response
Friday 1:00 PM 30 Ryan Kovar, Dave Herrald, David Veuve Network defenders in a data scientist world
Friday 1:30 PM 45 Angelo Oliveira Fighting Malware with Deep Learning
Friday 2:15 PM 30 Yisroel Mirsky Automated Injection & Removal of Medical Evidence in CT and MRI Scans
Friday 2:45 PM 45 Ethan Rudd Loss Is More! Improving Malware Detectors by Learning Additional Tasks
Friday 3:30 PM 30 Walter Scheirer Backdooring Convolutional Neural Networks via Targeted Weight Perturbations
Friday 4:00 PM 30 Roei Amit, Tal Leibovich How to get over your malicious ex(tensions) using deep learning
Friday 4:30 PM 30 Hyrum Anderson, Ryan Kovar Competitions in Infosec/ML
Friday 5:00 PM120TBDAI Unwind
Saturday 10:00 AM 45 Rand Waltzman MD: Multimedia Disinformation - Is there a Doctor in the House?!
Saturday 10:45 AM 45 Jason Mancusco Machine Learning's Privacy Problem
Saturday 11:30 AM 30 Richard Harang, Ethan Rudd A Tutorial on Hacking Facial Recognition Systems
Saturday 1:30 PM 30 Kenya Yoshimura, Takahiro Yoshimura Clairvoyance: concurrent lip-reading for the smart masses
Saturday 2:00 PM 30 Barton Rhodes Securing your kubeflow clusters
Saturday 2:30 PM 30 Laurin Weissinger AI vs. Airplanes and IT-Security: What Security Regulations Teach Us About AI Governance
Saturday 3:00 PM 30 Anna Skelton Deepfakes, Deep Trouble: Analyzing the Effects of Deepfakes on Market Manipulation
Saturday 4:00 PM 45 Samantha Cole, Danielle Citron, Rumman Chowdhury, Brit Paris Deep Fakes Panel
Saturday 5:00 PM120TBDAI Unwind
Sunday 10:00 AM 30 Jesus Solano, David Camacho Behavioral Biometrics and Context Analytics: Risk Based Authentication Re-Imagined
Sunday 10:30 AM 45 Tal Leibovich, Shimon Noam Oren From Noisy, Distorted data-sets to excellent prediction models
Sunday 11:15 AM 45 Vahid Behzadan Faults in our Pi Stars: Security Issues and Challenges in Deep Reinforcement Learning

AI Village @ DEF CON 26

August 1, 2018

For more information on this event, click here.

AI Village @ DEF CON China 1

May 1, 2018

For more information on this event, click here.