The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations

Posted by Omar Santos on 08 August 2022

The Red Team Village and the AI Village will host a panel from different industry experts to discuss the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in offensive security operations. More details coming soon!


Moderator: Omar Santos

twitter: santosomar

Omar Santos is an active member of the security community, where he leads several industry-wide initiatives and standard bodies. His active role helps businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants that are dedicated to increasing the security of the critical infrastructure. Omar is the author of over 20 books and video courses; numerous white papers, articles, and security configuration guidelines and best practices. Omar is a Principal Engineer of Cisco’s Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) where he mentors and lead engineers and incident managers during the investigation and resolution of security vulnerabilities. Omar has been quoted by numerous media outlets, such as TheRegister, Wired, ZDNet, ThreatPost, CyberScoop, TechCrunch, Fortune Magazine, Ars Technica, and more.

Tyler Robinson

twitter: tyler_robinson

With over 2 decades of experience, Tyler specializes in Red Teaming, APT threat modeling, blackbox network penetration testing, and Physical/Social-Engineering.

Tyler has presented at multiple conferences including BSides, DefCon and Blackhat panels, SANS security events and to multiple branches of the military. In Addition to helping teach the DarkSide-Ops and Accessing & Exploiting ICS class at Blackhat.

Tyler has helped the development of a world class offensive security capability, strategy, and programs of Offensive services at several incredible companies such as Silent Break Security, InGuardians, Inc., Nisos, and now Trimarc, directly shaping Offensive operations and research.

Currently, as Managing Director of Offensive Security & Research at Trimarc, Tyler leads a team of high performance security professionals within the offensive security field by simulating sophisticated adversaries, & creating scalable offensive security platforms using the latest techniques as seen in the wild.

Ariel Herbert-Voss

twitter: adversariel

Ariel Herbert-Voss is cofounder and CTO of Atreus and interested in all things to do with malicious uses and abuses of AI. Past work includes developing release strategies and algorithmic exploits for training data memorization in large transformer models at OpenAI. Ariel is also finishing a computer science PhD at Harvard and a book on practical adversarial machine learning for No Starch Press. Ariel co-founded the DEF CON AI Village community and co-organizes the annual gathering.

Suha Sabi Hussain

twitter: suhackerr

Suha Sabi Hussain is a software security engineer who specializes in machine learning assurance. Her work also involves data privacy, program analysis, and applied cryptography. She’s currently an intern at Trail of Bits, where she’s worked on projects such as PrivacyRaven and Fickling. She’s also pursuing a BS in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. She’s previously worked at the NYU Center for Cybersecurity and Vengo Labs.

Will Pearce

twitter: moo_hax

Will Pearce is a Security Researcher at Nvidia who focuses on ML systems.

Antonio Piazza

twitter: antman1P

Antonio Piazza, hailing from Cleveland, OH. USA, is a Purple Team Lead and Offensive Security Engineer at Nvidia. Following his stint as a US Army Human Intelligence Collector he worked as a Defense contractor/operator on an NSA Red Team, so he is intimately familiar with spies, hacking, and nerd stuff. Antonio is passionate about all things related to macOS security, red teaming, purple teaming, and hacking, thus spends his days researching macOS security as well as writing free, open-source Red Team tools for use in the Defense Against the Dark Arts. As of late, he has been planning to Implement Machine Learning into Red Teaming with his Nvidia colleagues.


The Moat for AI

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Originally posted here. These are my personal opinions. If you want to add to the discussion, we welcome PRs to this website here.

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